A Barred Owl (a.k.a. hoot owl) has been spotted several times near the FOM Tour Center. Although we have not captured a photo of this particular owl, here is a stock photo. Kansas is home to many owl species. Some like the Barred Owl spend the entire year in Kanas. Other year-round species include the Great Horned Owl, Short-eared Owl, American Barn Owl, and Eastern Screech Owl, Owls that only winter in Kansas include the Northern Saw-whet Owl, Long-eared Owl, and Snowy Owl, Burrowing Owls only spend the summer in Kansas. Keep your eyes open for more beautiful owls at Maxwell!


Two tram tours took guests out onto the prairie to see the elk who seemed to know the day was all about them! A couple bison “horned in” on the attention, but the focus was on the elk. After the tours, guests returned to the FOM Tour Center for hearty elk chili, corn muffins, cinnamon rolls, and cookies. The guests and volunteers enjoyed lots of fun and fellowship while enjoying their lunch and the FOM Tour Center exhibits.
As an added bonus, an Elk hide tanning demonstration was in progress by Keven Hiebert and Troy Nordman. They captured some of the experience in a YouTube video. Use the QR code to view the video, or go to link:
We expect Keven and Troy will be back for the annual Mountain Man Rendezvous with more demonstrations and fur trader knowledge. 

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